

About Vanguard

Vanguard was the first official site of Urban Apostolic Network. Starting on the south side of Kalamazoo in 2009 and expanding to the north side in 2011, Vanguard engages in many forms of ministry including street outreach, house church, Sunday gatherings, food distribution, morning prayer meetings, neighborhood benevolence, ministry houses and more. In alignment with our desire to empower indigenous leaders, Vanguard is led by Esteven and Ariel Juarez who are both lifetime natives of Kalamazoo and who live in one of the most vulnerable neighborhoods in the city. 

Times & Locations

Sunday Service

Street Outreach
Mondays: Southside 12-2pm Wednesdays: Northside 12-2pm

Men’s Group
Every Other Saturday morning 9-10:30am

women's Group
Every Other Saturday morning 12-1:30pm (location varies)

site Lead

Esteven Juarezapostolic leader

Esteven "Esto" Juarez is a former gang leader from Kalamazoo and has been helping to lead Vanguard Church since 2013. His passion to see the Lord infiltrate all sections of society has led him to run for, and win, a seat as a City Commissioner where he advocates for the vulnerable of Kalamazoo. Esto and his wife Ariel have three children.